EU funding Infrastructure Social Finished
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European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) INTERREG Estonia-Latvia Cross-border Cooperation Program 2014-2020

Priority 3 “Better network of harbours”, 3.1. Specific objective: " 3.1 An improved network of small harbours with good levels of service”

Project objective:

To strengthen the network of Latvian and Estonian harbours with quality services and to promote the Eastern Baltic coast as a sailing destination.

Project activities:

In order to achieve the project objective, the project activities will be implemented in two directions - investments in small harbour infrastructure and harbour network marketing. Small harbour infrastructure and service improvement activities will complement the investments made in the framework of the previous port project (EST-LAT harbours), which will promote the improvement of the harbour network security standards and service quality.

Investment into harbour infrastructure will focus on:

  • Improved navigation safety: marking of the port entrance and water area with proper navigation aids (leading lights, buoys, “smart” buoys, aids to navigation).
  • Construction of new berths: floating berths, mooring places.
  • Investment into environment protection: waste and sewage reception facilities.
  • Improved services for sailors: availability of electricity and fresh water at berths, construction or reconstruction of service buildings, providing access to sanitary facilities, saunas, etc., installation of lighting in the harbour area and quays.
  • Expanding services: refuelling points, provision of yacht storage facilities (outdoor/indoor) (outdoor / indoor), tools and equipment for the development winter maintenance and repairs. 

Harbour network marketing activities are aimed at promotion of the Eastern Baltic coast (Estonia and Latvia) as an attractive, interesting and safe sailing destination. The target group is sailors from Germany, Finland, Sweden, Poland as well as locals - Latvian and Estonian - sailors.

The project marketing activities:

  • Participation in the tourism/boat international events.
  • Participation and presentation of project results via international sailing networks and events.
  • Organization of FAM trips for journalists,  bloggers of target groups.
  • Publication of the 3rd edition of the Harbours Guide, including information on harbours on the Eastern Baltic coast (from Klaipeda to Narva) and development of the coastal tourism image guide.
  • Project website improvement, digital marketing.
  • Specific marketing content development and distribution (social media, articles for journals, etc.)

Project outcome

The infrastructure of Estonian and Latvian harbours will be improved and higher quality services will be provided, as well as the small harbour international recognition and their inclusion in the harbour network will be promoted.

Project partners:

  • Riga Planning Region (Latvia) - Lead Partner
  • Kurzeme Planning Region (Latvia)
  • Biedrība “Estonian Small Harbour Development Center” (Estonia)
  • Salacgriva Port Authority  (Latvia)
  • Freeport of Riga Authority (Latvia)
  • Jurmala Port Authority  (Latvia)
  • Engure Port Authority (Latvia)
  • Roja Port Authority (Latvia)
  • SIA New Yacht Marina  (Latvia)
  • Pavilosta Port Authority (Latvia)
  • SIA AK Pāvilosta Marina  (Latvia)
  • Foundation Hiiumaa Harbours (Estonia)
  • Saarte Liinid AS (Estonia)

Project implementation term: 01.09.2020. - 31.12.2022

Project total budget: 3 304 285.93 EUR, including RDF Interreg Estonia-Latvia program funding of 2 808 643.01 EUR. The Freeport of Riga Authority participates in the project as a project partner with the planned project budget 243 500,00 EUR (the ERDF support 206 550,00 EUR).

Project website:

EastBaltic Harbours projekts










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