
The International Transport and Logistics Exhibition “TransKazakhstan / TransLogistica 2017” is taking place in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana, on November 1–3. The Port of Riga is represented by the Freeport of Riga Authority and Riga Container Terminal Ltd. This exhibition is the main transport and logistics sector event in Central Asia, gathering the leading professionals of the sector from Kazakhstan, CIS countries and China, as well as European countries, who attribute importance to creation of Eurasian logistics chains. The Port of Riga is participating in the exhibition as a part of the national stand of Latvia together with Latvijas dzelzceļš group, Freeport of Ventspils, Liepāja SEA and other industry companies.

Cooperation with Kazakhstan is important for the Port of Riga and has rather great potential for both attracting cargo from this country and creating transport corridors for carriage from China.  It is particularly necessary to take into account that the transport policy of Kazakhstan over the recent years has been seriously aimed at the development of Kazakhstan as a transit country between Europe and China. The so-called New Silk Road Initiative, as a result of which an effective land connection from China to Europe via Kazakhstan would be created, is a priority of the transport policy of Kazakhstan. Likewise, investors from Kazakhstan have shown interest in the possibilities of creating their own terminals in the port of Riga.

Ansis Zeltiņš, CEO of the Freeport of Riga:

“The port of Riga has a long and successful cooperation history with Kazakhstan. Kazakh cargo has always passed via the port of Riga and it is still handled at the port. However, currently we are mostly looking at container transport and effective East-West transit corridors, i.e. the so-called New Silk Road, and Kazakhstan is undoubtedly an important stage on this road”.

Representatives of the Freeport of Riga and port companies emphasise that the exhibition “TransKazakhstan / TransLogistica” is a good platform to meet current clients and establish relations with new, potential partners. Since Kazakhstan is located rather far away, this exhibition is a good opportunity to meet clients in person once a year, to demonstrate the possibilities of terminals and the Port of Riga, as well as to inform about new developments. The format of the exhibition allows showing clients the advantages of the entire Latvian transit corridor and quickly resolving different cargo transit issues.