
Verners Lūsis, Chairperson of the Board of the Latvijas dzelzceļš SJSC subsidiary — LDz Loģistika Ltd., and Ansis Zeltiņš, CEO of the Freeport of Riga, went on a visit to India this week within the framework of the delegation headed by Māris Kučinskis, Prime Minister, to participate in a range of activities related to strengthening of business and international relations. Including tomorrow, November 4, managers of the companies will participate in a transport and logistics conference in Mumbai, where they will present Latvia’s advantages in international transit corridors.

It is planned that within the framework of the conference Kaspars Ozoliņš, State Secretary of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia, Lūsis and Zeltiņš will familiarise conference participants with the Latvian logistics sector and its advantages in Eurasian transit corridors, as well as tell about the possibilities of Indian companies using the Latvian transit corridor to transport cargo to Northern Europe.

At the conference Lūsis will present the ‘one-stop agency’ principle ensured by LDz Loģistika Ltd. in the organisation of cargo transport, as well as the advantages of non-freezing Latvian ports, which guarantee the further transportation of cargo even during the coldest months of the year. Simultaneously, Lūsis will present the involvement of Latvia in the creation of a North-South transport corridor, which will connect India and Iran to Northern Europe in the near future.

Both companies representing the transport and logistics sector of Latvia and Indian companies, including representatives of the Indian Chamber of Commerce, Indian Association of Cargo Carriers and Indian ports, will participate in the conference in Mumbai as well. In turn, at the beginning of the upcoming week the management of Latvijas dzelzceļš will participate in an international logistics forum in Iran, which is just as important a member country of the North-South transport corridor as India.