
Yesterday, on June 6, the largest cruise ship ever entered the port of Riga and was moored at the pier of KS Terminal. The length of the ship “Celebrity Silhouette” built in 2011 is 315 meters, width – 36.9 meters and the maximum draught of it is 8.3 meters, while the maximum load capacity (GT) is 122 thousand tons. By the length and load capacity indicators “Celebrity Silhouette” holds the absolute record for the port of Riga not only among passenger ships, but also cargo vessels.  The vessel brought over 2700 cruise passengers to Riga, mainly from the US. During this year's cruise season another 4 "Celebrity Silhouette" visits at the port of Riga can be expected.


The impressively-sized cruise ship has 15 floors, 20 restaurants, a wide range of leisure and recreational facilities, commercial and spa centres, a theatre with 1,100 seats, several swimming pools, a gym, basketball and soccer field, an art gallery, and on the ship’s deck there is a summer garden with natural grass and a mini golf course laid out. Every day more than 1,300 employees take care of passenger comfort on board.

The Freeport of Riga Captain Arturs Brokovskis Vaivods says: "Although in recent years we have already become accustomed to hosting large ships and have accumulated considerable experience, such a large ship entering the port of Riga is always an event. It requires technological equipment of the highest standards, but most importantly excellent professionalism and craftsmanship of the pilots. It should be noted that this process can never be predicted, since it is significantly effected by the weather, as well as the speed of wind and river currents."

As “Celebrity Silhouette” arrived in the port of Riga for the first time, in accordance with the ancient tradition that is still observed when welcoming any cruise ship in Riga, it was welcomed by presenting the captain with the coat of arms of the Freeport of Riga. During the cruise ship's visit Captain Athanasios G.Peppas praised the quality of the port of Riga navigation service, as well as successful cooperation with the Captain of the Freeport of Riga confirming that the ship’s entering in the port of Riga progressed easily and smoothly. From now on, alongside the captain's bridge where all the memorial signs of the ports visited by the cruise ship can be found, there will also be the coat of arms of the port of Riga.

Edgars Suna, Marketing Department Director of the Freeport of Riga: “Based on the marketing strategy of the Freeport of Riga Authority to promote more frequent cruise ships entering in the Port of Riga and development of cruise tourism in the city, ships entering the port five or more times receive discounts on port dues for each re-entry. The “Celebrity Silhouette”, which during this year’s cruise season will enter Riga Port five times, also receives substantial discounts on port dues. Results of the Port of Riga in relation to cruise passenger servicing indicate that our strategy for the allocation of port fee discounts and active working hand-in-hand with cruise line operators has been successful. The number of cruise passengers at the port of Riga last year increased by 3.3%, but this year we forecast an increase of 30%.”