
The Freeport of Riga Authority (FPRA) has launched the project “An Overpass from Tvaika Street to Kundzinsala” implementation, which includes construction of the bridge over the Sarkandaugava armlet and the construction of the relevant access roads in Sarkandaugava and on Kundzinsala. Today, during the Freeport of Riga Board meeting the open tender “Overpass from Tvaika Street to Kundzinsala construction project design and supervision” results were approved, so in the near future the technical project development work will be started.

The project “An Overpass from Tvaika Street to Kundzinsala” intends to provide a direct connection of Kundzinsala to Riga city main road network, improve transport mobility in the port area, as well as cargo transport and residents' access to Kundzinsala. The project is implemented by attracting the EU Cohesion Fund co-financing for specific support, that is designed to implement measures for improving safety in Latvian large ports and prevent the problems caused by limitations. The development of the construction project is to be carried out until the end of 2018, and then the construction work will be started. According to the results of an open tender, the construction project design and contract supervision will be executed by the association of persons LLC “Vektors T” and LLC “BRD Projekts”.

Kundzinsala is the territory of the Freeport, which is currently undergoing the most rapid development of the port terminals, still it does not have any direct connection to the Riga City main road network and only one bridge is available for cargo delivery to Kundzinsala. With the rapid increase of cargo flows it might become an obstacle for the port operation and development. Due to the fact that mainly container handling terminals and logistics centers are being developed at Kundzinsala, the efficient road infrastructure is of key importance. Construction of a new bridge to Kundzinsala will provide the necessary cargo flows, as well as reduce noise, vibration and air pollution in Kundzinsala residential area. Kundzinsala residents will benefit from the new project - cargo carrying traffic flows will provide less impact and it will be possible to design new public transport routes.

Connection to Kundzinsala is also a logical extension of the Tvaika Street reconstruction project, initiated by the Riga City Council, the aim of the project is to redirect traffic flows away from the residential areas and to build the road infrastructure, which will reduce traffic congestion, noise and air pollution. The Freeport of Riga Development Department Director Ivo Dubkevics: “The Freeport project – construction of a bridge from  Sarkandaugava  to Kundzinsala, Tvaika  street reconstruction project implemented together with the Riga City Council Transport Department and a traffic overpass construction over the railway track between Viestura street and Tvaika street will ensure that in a few years cargo transport moving to the port terminals and enterprises in Exportosta and  Andrejsala will avoid  the Riga city center. "

 It is planned that the work on the overpass construction will be completed in 2 seasons, so its commissioning could take place by 2022.