
From April 18 to April 20 the Freeport of Riga Authority (FPRA) together with the port companies took part in the international transport and logistics exhibition “TransRussia 2017” in Moscow. The annual exhibition “   TransRussia” is the largest transport and logistics exhibition in Russia, as well as one of the largest industry forums in all the Eurasian space. The Freeport was represented by the FPRA and the port companies – the Riga Commercial Port, SIA “Rīgas Universālais Termināls”, SIA “Jaunzeltiņi”, SIA “KS Terminal”, SIA “Systems terminal”, SIA “Jaunmīlgrāvja ostas kompānija”, SIA “Vega Stividors” and SIA “Frigo Baltic”. For the fourth year the FPRA has been organizing a joint exhibition stand of Riga port, thereby enhancing the Port of Riga recognition and creating a convenient and attractive environment for the port operators to support their work at the exhibition.

The Freeport’s annual participation in the most important Eurasian transport event “TransRussia” is natural, due to the fact that the Port of Riga has always positioned itself as a vital element of the East - West freight corridor; its geographical location and accumulated historical experience create a special expertise in freight transportation between Russia and the EU countries. The Freeport of Riga Authority Marketing Director Edgars Suna: “The main objective of the FPRA’s participation in the exhibition is to maintain a positive image of the Freeport of Riga, certifying to the existing and potential partners the port’s intention to remain a stable partner for transit cargo transportation in future as well. This year, together with the port companies, we particularly emphasized that the quality of services, provided by the port of Riga, is consistently high and the attitude towards each and every client is flawless. That is the factor, which despite all the geopolitical conditions has helped the Port of Riga to retain customers and compete successfully with other Baltic Sea ports.”

The FPRA representatives also participated in the conference “TransRussia 2017”. Mr. Kaspars Ozolins, the Ministry of Transport State Secretary, took the floor at the plenary session and presented information on the Latvian transit corridor and its benefits. In his speech he emphasized the quality of services, provided by Latvian ports, stating that “Asian countries are showing particular interest in our multi-modal and well-developed ports that are actively working not only to enhance transshipped cargo volumes, but also to increase the efficiency of delivery time.”