



The main task of the Port police is to react to potential risks to the environment and people in the Freeport area and to engage actively in crisis prevention within the framework of its competence, simultaneously conducting preventive work - control, monitoring, verifying the information and, if necessary, providing information transfer to partner departments or competent authorities. In 2013 the Port police have been granted access to the State Fire and Rescue Service warning system, as well as to the global port police news network, that enables the relevant party to be prepared to potential risk situations.


“In 2013 the Port Security plan was approved, the said plan is one of the requirements stipulated by international law and the International Ship and Port Security Code (ISPS). The comprehensive document is the result of several years’ work, it includes all activities ranging from cargo handling security aspects to emergency procedures. The Emergency Plan, the Civil Defense Plan and the Action Plan to Combat Accidental Pollution are also mandatory for the port. This means that all outstanding risks or potential emergency situations are covered and the Plan provides specific procedures to be implemented by entrepreneurs, the Port Authority and its subordinate structural units. At the same time the Plan contains preventive measures, implemented by the Freeport of Riga Authority and the Port Police. The Port police operate in compliance with the above-mentioned laws, as well as with the Civil Defense Law, the National Security Law and Fire Safety Law”, says the Port Police Chief Mr.Valdis Voins.

Taking care of long-term security

In compliance with the Cabinet Regulation Nr.1060 “Regulations on Dangerous and Polluting Goods Movement at Ports” in 2013 84 inspections were performed. 120 radiation checks were carried out at the port in addition to the stationary radiation control equipment data, that are registered separately. 132 inspections of private berths were performed. These preventive actions eliminate all the risks, that can be identified at an early stage. In collaboration with the medical rescue service on September 16 a training session - a simulation of passenger bus accident and chemical spill - was organized in the Freeport of Riga territory area at “Baltic Container Terminal” Ltd. Training was financed by the European Union Structural Funds. In the framework of the emergency simulation Emergency medical service units, the State Fire and Rescue Service squads and the Freeport relevant units could not only examine readiness and competence of their personnel, but also could evaluate performance of the servicemen involved, including that of firemen, policemen and medical personnel, starting from their entering the port and throughout all the operation.

Due to commissioning of the Riga Fertilizer Terminal, that is considered a high-risk object, the survey was conducted to provide environmental safety conclusion related to the terminal technological solutions and potential cargo. According to the said conclusion on physical and chemical properties of the potential cargo - ammonium nitrate, the said cargo type has a low possibility of detonation, besides the terminal is equipped with the most advanced security systems that prevent and eliminate any risks associated with higher temperature, dust and other security issues.

In 2013 the Port Police, in collaboration with the Environment and Development Department representatives, carried out a study of available environmental monitoring technical equipment that is indispensable to systematically monitor the different types of pollutants at the Freeport of Riga area. In compliance with the study results, the Freeport of Riga will purchase multifunctional mobile equipment capable of detecting dust, odors and a variety of chemical concentrations in the different areas of the Freeport. Mr. Andris Ameriks, the Chairman of the Freeport Board, notes that, due to citizens' complaints, additional funds will be provided in 2014 to ensure implementation of specific monitoring and control systems for more effective monitoring of the terminals, involved in oil product handling and storage.