
The statistics for the first four months of 2013 show that Riga Freeport has handled 11.11 million tons of cargo, which is 11.3 % less than the corresponding period last year. It has to be noted that the record volume of cargo in Riga port’s history was reloaded in January last year, a trend that continued throughout the year, so this year’s cargo turnover is evaluated as successful in comparison with the results of previous years. To date, April has been the most successful month of the year in terms of the total amount of reloaded cargo and in the segments of general and liquid bulk. The analysis of the increasing figures for each month show that cargo turnover is gradually stabilising and reaching the successful results of last year.



In the first two months of the year, 6.14 million tons were reloaded in the bulk cargo segment, which is 13.9 % less than in April 2012. The proportion of reloaded artificial fertilizers in the bulk cargo segment is considered very stable – in April 33.5 % more artificial fertilizers were reloaded; transportation of wood-pulp granules has increased by 29.4 %, and the volume of unclassified bulk cargo has increased by 12.6 %. Coal transportation has reduced by 16.9%, the volume of grain and grain products by 76.7%, and the volume of reloaded woodchip has decreased by 12.8 %.


There is solid growth in the general cargo segment, with 3.6 % more containerized cargo than in the previous reporting period. The volumes of timber cargo have reduced by 10.9 %, and ro-ro cargo by 0.1 %. However, there is certain stabilization in this cargo segment, and the statistics are gradually returning to the average volume of monthly turnover. The volume of unclassified general cargo has reduced by 51.2 %.


The total volume of oil products reloaded in Riga port this year is 2.8 million tons, which is 12.3 % less than in the corresponding period last year. The reloaded volume of liquefied gas has increased by 57.7 %.


There are no significant changes in the volume of passenger traffic. The number of passengers this year is approximately 207 700. The number of cruise ships has also grown - by 5.5 %.