
Having served 30.31 million tons of cargo in total, this year the Freeport of Riga increased its 10 month results compared to last year by 7.7% or 2.16 million tons. The current situation confirms the tendency of the Freeport of Riga, which was set already at the beginning of the year, to obtain and to keep the status of the largest port among the Baltic States.


Increase in all cargo segments

This year’s 10 month statistics certify that the Freeport of Riga is maintaining a well-balanced development and confirms the status of a multi-functional port. It is necessary to point out that it was exactly the multi-functionality of the port that was set as a priority several years ago, since well-balanced development of different cargo segments reduces the risks, caused by changes in the particular cargo assortment in global markets or by changes in the action strategy of cargo owners.

This year’s 10 month turnover in the bulk cargo segment increased by 10.5% in comparison with the same period last year, when general cargo segment turnover increased by 3%, while in liquid cargo segment – by 4.3%.

Increase by 1.55 million tons of coal

Bulk cargo segment is traditionally the largest one of the total amount of cargo served by the Freeport of Riga. Likewise, the greatest this year’s increase is seen exactly in this segment (+10.5%) which is ensured by the increasing amount of shipped coal. Chairman of the Freeport of Riga Authority Andris Ameriks points out: “Increase in coal cargo turnover is evaluated very positively, however the simultaneously increasing economic activity on the right bank of Daugava located comparatively close to the centre of Riga, leaves an impact on the city environment in general. Therefore, all possible processes need to be stimulated in order to move the coal terminals to the left bank of Daugava – to the terminals of Krievu Island.

The group of separately unclassified bulk cargo increased 2.5 times – 1.87 million tons were shipped in total.

A decrease in artificial fertilizer cargo turnover has been observed already from the beginning of the year – 17% less cargo was shipped in 10 months of this year compared to last year’s accounting period. Simultaneously, shipments of artificial fertilizers form an essential part of the total shipment structure of the port. 1.16 million tons of artificial fertilizers were processed this year. The plan for 2014 states that, while implementing the Riga Fertilizer Terminal project, the volume of handled cargos in this segment would increase by 2 million tons a year. It is known that the first test cargos, which are planned to be processed at the terminal in order to assess its quality and compliance with the standards, will already be handled at the end of this year.

This year grain shipment increased by 45% amounting to 602 thousand tons in total. Shipment of wood chips remained around the same level as last year; the amount of sawn timber increased by 11.7%; the volume of different metals practically tripled and the amount of scrap metal increased by 28%.

Plus 445 thousand tons of containerized cargos

Containerized cargo group, which is included in the general cargo segment, continues its victorious march in ports of the world, and the Port of Riga is no exception. The Freeport of Riga served 445 thousand tons or 17% more containerized cargo in 10 months of this year compared to the same period last year. The Freeport of Riga Authority confirms that the development of this cargo group is of the most essential importance, because the proportion of containerized cargos in the world increases rapidly – soon everything that can be put into containers will be shipped that way, said Andris Ameriks. We have to be ready to accept such cargos – the capacity of the respective terminals has to be increased in the perspective of the closest years.

Shipment of roll on/roll off cargos increased by 7% amounting to 494 thousand tons. The volume of separately unclassified general cargos increased by 2.4%.

Changes in the forest exploitation and logistic routes of timber shipment influenced the volume of timber shipment at the Port of Riga. This year the shipment decreased by 13.1% in comparison to 10 months of the previous year. The shipment of cars and equipment also decreased (-62.1%); shipment of different metals included into the general cargo segment (-23.5%) and shipment of food (-73%). It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the total proportion of the aforementioned cargo types in the cargo structure of the port is very little and, therefore, practically does not impact the general results of the port’s activity.

4.3% more liquid cargos

4.3% more cargo was handled in the liquid cargo segment this year than in 10 months in last year amounting to 6.63 million tons. Oil products constitute 6.57 million tons or an increased 4.1% more than in the previous year’s accounting period. The rest amount of liquid cargo is constituted by liquefied gas – almost 59 thousand tons. The shipment of liquefied gas increased as well (+33%).

Necessity of new pier for cruise ships

The year 2012 was particularly successful in terms of cruise ship visits – 91 cruise ships entered the Port of Riga, as a result 81 thousand cruise passengers were served, which is almost a 20 thousand increase compared to 2011. A. Ameriks says: “Society’s objections regarding the construction of new piers for cruise ships next to the Vansu Bridge in Kipsala are unjustified. It is the most suitable place for cruise ships and their passengers, because, unfortunately, there are no more suitable locations on the right bank of Daugava. There is an opinion that the ships will block the view; yet, I believe that a cruise ship will improve the view of Kipsala and make it even more magnificent and romantic instead of spoiling it. It is essential to remember that the tendency of cruise ship entrance in Riga is closely related to what kind of service is provided by Riga!”

Regular ferry service continues its successful activity. This year the Port of Riga has already served 714,249 passengers, which is a 5.5% increase compared to the accounting period of 2011.