
Cargo turnover results of the first four months of this year suggest that Riga Port with the total of 12.52 million tons transshipped is the largest among ports of the Baltic countries.

A dramatic rise in cargo turnover has been observed in Riga Port since January and results of these four month are strong as well – the volume of cargo serviced by Riga Port grew by 14.89% year-on-year.

The bulk cargo segment showed a 17.8% increase, or an increase by slightly less than a million of tons of processed cargo compared to four months of the previous year. Its overall amount constitutes 7.12 millions of tons. Traditionally, the dominating cargo group is coal – its volume growth dynamics exceeds 20.2% and this year has already exceeded the limit of 5 millions of tons.

The transshipment of other bulk cargo, including crushed stone, wood pellets, asphalt is also increasing. The amount of wood chips has grown by 17.2% and the amount of scrap metal has increased by almost two and a half times.

A decline in turnover can be observed in the transport of artificial fertilizers (-15%), ore (-69.7%), peat (-8%) and ferro-alloy (-24.7%) cargo.

In the general cargo segment the overall increase is 10.9%. The highest growth dynamics – 32.6% – can be observed in the containerized cargo group. This year 1.23 millions of tons of cargo placed in containers have been transshipped so far. A dramatic rise suggests of the increase in the popularity of containerized cargo in maritime transport.

Roll on/Roll Off cargo group of the general cargo segment saw an increase by 7.1%. The amount of transshipped timber has dropped (-13%). As reported before, the transshipment of timber cargo is gradually passing under the control of small ports, therefore the volume of this cargo in Riga Port is falling.

The statistics on liquid cargo shows that this year's growth dynamics is 11.5% thus the overall amount constitutes 3.19 millions of tons. The absolute majority of it (3.18 mln t) are petroleum products.

Positive dynamics (+4.6%) can also be observed in the area of passenger transport compared to the previous year – this year 208,189 passengers have already been served by Riga Port, including 4,791 cruise passengers.