
During the first 10 months of 2011, the total capacity of incoming vessels has increased by 3,5% even though the total number of vessels serviced has decreased by 2,9%.

It is a positive fact that ever since September of this year, MAERSK LINE, who until now used UNIFEEDER line ships to transport their clients cargo, has renewed its activity within the port. Along with the renewal of this container line, The Freeport of Riga now ensures seven container lines in the former place of six.

During October the port has serviced 48 container liners, which is the biggest number of incoming container liners per month this year. During the accounting period, the number of incoming tankers has increased by 9,8% and the total capacity has grown by 23,1%. The number of BULKER vessels is also increasing. This year 294 ships have been serviced, which is a 9,3% increase in comparison to the last year and the total capacity has increased by 16,5%. The number of serviced dry cargo vessels has maintained in the same level as last year. 68 cruise ships have come into the port, which is 5 ships more than last year, but the total capacity of incoming cruise ships is more remarkable, since it has grown by 15,1%.

Statistical data indicates that this year 3277 ships have been serviced, which is 99 ships less than this time last year. Even though the number of serviced ships has decreased, the total capacity of vessels has increased, which shows that larger vessels with a larger carrying capacity are coming into the port of Riga. These logistical trends can be explained by the efficiency processes in the branch, in which costs are being saved owing to more capacious vessels. Variable market trends are new challenge for The Freeport of Riga. The port has to meet all the preconditions in order for servicing of larger vessels to be as fast and effective as possible. This includes development of infrastructure, including reconstructions works of shipping fairway, as well as engaging new stevedoring companies to the port.

In regard to the fact that increasingly larger vessels are coming into Port of Riga, the proportion of smaller ships has decreased. However, the number of strategically important cargoes and passenger transport is increasing. It is planned to host 70 cruise ships in Riga until the end of the year, which would bring approximately 60 000 guests to Riga. All the statistical data indicates that the number of strategically important cargoes in the port will break records this year.