
During the first 9 months of 2011, 12,8% more cargo has been transhipped in comparison to the corresponding period last year. The results of the strategically important cargo types – coal, containers and oil products – have also been substantially exceeded.


Andris Ameriks, the Board Chairman of the Freeport of Riga points out: „ Already at the beginning of the year a growing cargo turnover was observed, but we couldn’t be sure that such an increase could be maintained for the rest of the year. The present situation indicates that we are up for a marathon and the spurt at the end of the year appears to be fortunate – the port will exceed its previous records.”

The vast majority of the bulk cargo was formed by coal cargo, it’s volume has increased by 15,3% in comparison to the first 9 months of last year and now has reached almost 10 million tons. It should be noted that caul cargo constitutes for almost 40% of the Freeport total cargo turnover. Ameriks points out: „Possibly the coal cargo increase would be even bigger, as there is a great demand for coal in world markets. However, the attraction of any new coal cargos is restricted by the railway penetrability – the whole capacity of the railway track has been totally exploited. Similarly, areas for coal processing within the port territory are begging to run out. This situation once again confirms that the Krievu sala project, in which the railway infrastructure will be improved and new cargo areas will be constructed, is vitally necessary to the Freeport of Riga. ”

The second major of bulk cargo are artificial fertilizers. The transhipped capacity has increased by 21,4% and now forms 1,25 million tons. There are still many other cargo owners who have expressed an interest in reloading artificial fertilizers in the Freeport of Riga, so we have to increase the possibilities for the transhipping of this cargo type.

Within the bulk cargo segment, transhipping of woodchips has decreased by 19,4%, of peat – by 32,5% and of sawn timber – by 24,5%. Still, thanks to the rise of the other cargo types, overall there is a 13,2% growth within the bulk cargo segment.

The total growth of the liquid cargo segment during the last 9 months is 26,6% or almost 5,9 million tons. All together this year 5,8 million tons of oil product have been transhipped. Likewise the used capacity of the oil product transhipment terminal is close to its maximum.

Within the general cargo segment, the substantially increased shipment of container cargos this year at the Freeport of Riga can be considered a strategically significant achievement. This year 2,3 million tons of container cargo have been processed, which is more than 18,4% in comparison to the corresponding period last year. Transport of timber products, fish, food, metals and ro-ro cargos has decreased, but on the total general cargo segment this leaves a minimal decrease effect – 1,3%.

The season for passenger transportations, including cruise passenger transportation, has been very successful. At the Freeport of Riga 688 269 passengers have been served, of whom 123 218 have arrived by cruise ships. Ameriks emphasizes the achievement of the Freeport of Riga Cruise department, which has enabled to sharply increase the number of cruise ships in Riga. The Cruise department was developed only three years ago and now results of the contributed work can be seen. It should be noted that cruise routs are planned three years ahead and today we already know how many cruise ships will enter Riga next year.