
Viesturs Silenieks, the vice-chairman of the Freeport of Riga, as well as the author of the words 'Do not try to speak, if you have nothing to say' considers participation in this sort of event obligatory, because it might encourage adults to think of the demographic situation in the country. This kind of festival gives joy not only to children, but also to their parents and other adults. It allows them to understand that a lack of money cannot reduce one's enthusiasm about children. In addition, Silenieks also plans on trying out a few of the attractions.

Normunds Rutulis – musician and producer – has seen and participated in hundreds of different kinds of events, but has noticed that there are too few meant for chidlren. For this reason a festival of this length, with entertainment and education in the mix, are absolutely necessary.

The Dukurs family, well-known in Latvia for their sonorous voices, point out that they will certainly be attending the children's festival. Firstly, the event will be interesting and secondly, to use their presence as encouragement for the children and parents of Riga to forget their troubles for a moment, and to enjoy an intriguing, exciting afternoon in Vecmīlgrāvis.

The musician and member of the legendary band 'Menuets', Adrians Kukuvass, is a father of two. He also agrees that there are too few events for children in Riga, and which would offer them several hours of amusement. Kukuvass has decided to give himself and his youngest child – Adrija – a lovely Sunday. One must be reminded that Adrija and her father Adrians recently had great success in participating in the LNT show 'Children Sing for Latvia'.

The great event will occur this Sunday, May 29, in Vecmīlgrāvis, on the grounds of the 31. Vidusskola. From 11AM to 4PM approximately 2000 participants will engage in several different attractions and shows.

Laila Rieksta-Riekstiņa, director of the National Inspection for the Protection of Children's Rights, comments, “The children's festival of Ziemeļblāzma is an extensive event for the whole family. It offers not only entertainment, but also valuable information and many opprtunities for education. This initiative is especially important at a time when opportunities to rest and relax are limited for many families. It must be supported and congratulated. We can only hope that other areas of Riga and other Latvian cities will follow this example, and will create similar festivals for their residents.”