
From May 18 to 20, the vice-secretary of the Turkish Transportation and Communications Ministry, S. H. Aka, and his delegation were in Latvia. During this visit, Mr. S.H. Aka paid a visit to the Freeport of Riga in order to familiarize himself with its role and work, and to evaluate potential opportunities for collaboration.

The Turkish delegation is interested in the creation of a maximally effective transit system from Scandinavia and the Baltics to Turkey, and vice versa. One possible solution proposed is the the freight train ‘Zubr’ with its many advantages. The Turkish party does not eliminate this possibility, although there are many issues still to be resolved in organizing transit through the Ukraine. The Turkish representatives expressed recognition for the Freeport of Riga, due to its investments in infrastructure development, and also complimented the freeport’s firm stance in maintaining the independence of tugboat and pilot-boat services. The Turkish delegates acknowledged the possibility of partnership with the Freeport of Riga, and both parties did not hesitate to establish a concrete plan of mutual collaboration.

The Freeport of Riga was represented in talks by the director of the Marketing Department E. Sūna, Board member V. Silinieks and the representative from the Ministry of Transport, the director of the Department of Transit Politics, A. Maldups.

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