
„There are many unattractive sites in Riga, which may be turned into master pieces in a simple way”, this is the opinion of Vecmilgravis’ support organisation. On 21st May, in Vecmilgravis, Meldru Street 3, in cooperation with the Freeport of Riga and tens of children, they have decided to paint a wall, which shall be one of the longest walls in open air in Latvia.

The wall to be painted encloses the Freeport and reaches a total of 108 metre length. This allows Vecmilgravis to announce they will have painted the longest wall in Riga and Latvia.

Wall painting will be officially opened at 12am and is planned to last for the whole day as an artistic and musical show. During the day children from Vecmilgravis’ schools shall paint the wall, depicting port operations. To get the feeling and inspiration a few days ago 70 children were invited to a special visit around the port territory. The pictures shall present their views about the port.

“Freeport of Riga is happy to support any good idea and incentive, which makes our City more beautiful and clean. The wall-painting-tradition was started several years ago, when the wall on Eksporta Street was painted by children from several Riga schools. I am happy the project is taken forward and truly hope that it will be appreciated by locals, and Vecmilgravis will become a new and fresh look. I would like to take the opportunity and say big thank to Vecmilgravis’ support organisation, which is working for the benefit of Riga and local neighbourhood. We should never forget that our true value is the people and things they create,” Andris Ameriks, deputy chairman of Riga City Council, chairman of the board of the Freeport of Riga.

During this summer Freeport of Riga and Vecmilgravis’ support organisation will implement several projects aimed to regain the once good reputation of Vecmilgravis – it is exactly this suburb, where the first kindergarden in Riga, Maritime School, Culture House and park for the wider community were created. Already now it is known that a special and ambitious event taking place on the banks of Daugava River shall be organised this summer.

For a while the local community and Freeport of Riga could not agree on a joint solution in terms of development plans for Vecmilgravis. Now that common ideas are shared these will be brought to life through the project “Our Port” during this summer.