
Taking into account the decision of the government to liquidate company “Apsardze” of the State Police and no longer guard territory of the Freeport of Riga, starting from May 1, similar to many other ports around the world, guarding and order in the territory and basin of the Riga Port will be provided by the Port Police of Riga.

“Ensuring safety and order in the Freeport of Riga, which per cargo turnover in 2010 is the biggest port of Latvia, is actually care for security of the entire state of Latvia. Since the state has refused to finance these functions and the law “On Ports” envisages that guarding of port perimeters cannot be entrusted to private structures, establishment of an independent Riga Port Police is currently the only legally possible solution,” notes Andris Ameriks, Chairman of the Board at the Freeport of Riga. “Port Police will guard 9 entrance gates of the port, and will ensure order and safety in the entire territory of dry land and basin of the port,” continues A. Ameriks.

Bylaws of the Port Police approved by the board of the Freeport of Riga envisage – within the scope of its competence, to control observation of port regulations; control movement of persons, vehicles and cargos in the port territory and when crossing land border of the port territory; control protection of the port territory against pollution; ensure elimination of consequences of pollution occurred in the port territory; control fulfillment of requirements of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) in the port; control operation of organizations located in the port territory according to protection plans of port facility; control land borders of the port territory; according to its competence, control inland waters / basin/ of the port; ensure safety of persons and the society. Moreover, in compliance with the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 1060 “Regulations Regarding the Movement and Control of Dangerous and Polluting Cargos in Ports”, Port Police has a duty to perform examination of terminals of dangerous and polluting cargos; prevent administrative and other breaches of law; solve breaches of law, grant assistance to persons, institutions, companies and organizations in protection of their rights and fulfillment of duties stipulated by the law in the port territory; according to its competence, impose administrative penalties.

Structure of the Port Police comprises: Management of Port Police; Administrative Office; Operational Management Department; Social Order Control Department; Port Perimeter Guard Department; Port Internal Security Service.

Port Police will perform its duties in close cooperation with the State Police and the Security Police, also providing safety of NATO civil and other cargos in the Riga Port.