
Due to the lasting frost and thick ice that has formed in the Gulf of Riga shipping in public waters is substantially hindered, which affects operation of the enterprises working in the Freeport of Riga.

Based on Paragraph 7, Part 2, Article 7 of the law “On Ports”, the Freeport of Riga Authority must ensure winter navigation in the port territory.

In compliance with the abovementioned norm of law, one of the responsibilities of the Freeport of Riga Authority is to break ice and ensure navigation in the port territory.

In international shipping practice, in emergency situations the state assumes the function of breaking the ice in public waters. Therefore the Freeport of Riga Authority appeals to the government of Latvia, especially the Ministry of Transport, to assume the responsibility for solving current crisis situation in interstate level.

The Freeport of Riga Authority hopes that measures will be taken in government level so as similar crisis situations did not affect operation of the enterprises working in the Gulf of Riga in future.