
Notwithstanding the circumstances which could have had an unfavourable impact on the total cargo turnover in 2010, this year the Freeport of Riga has transshipped 30.47 million tons - by 2.5% more compared to 2009.

Andris Ameriks, the Freeport of Riga Chairman of Board, mentions: "First signs, testifying potential good results before the year is out, appeared in June, July, when the turnover at the Port terminals began to increase rapidly. The Freeport of Riga Authority has had a role to play: by improvements to the infrastructure, among them deepening of the access channel for ship entrance and the Port aquatorium, it has managed to create favourable conditions for handling as wide range of cargoes as possible and attracting of new investors and cargo owners to the Riga Port. The Freeport of Riga Authority`s accomplishment is inseparable from the contribution of entrepreneurs operating in the Port and their achievements."

The most significant changes have occurred in the general cargo segment, where the total turnover has grown by 46.5%. Sustained growth rates have also been observed in the containerised cargo segment - if 1.86 million tons were handled in 2009, already in 2010 the amount equalled 2.65 million tons - by 42.2% more. At present already three companies operate in the containerised cargo business. Also the turnover of timber products has increased, certifying that this cargo type regains the market positions after the crisis. 1.8 million tons transhipped in 2009 amounted to 2.9 million tons in 2010. The increase in timber product turnover is equal to 63.2%. Although food cargoes do not make a significant proportion of the Port cargo turnover the increase indicates a positive trend. Chemicals have shown the most dramatic decrease in the general cargo segment.

No essential changes have taken place in the liquid cargo segment; in fact it has retained the preceding level (+0.3%). In the liquid cargo segment oil product transshipment is dominant; in 2010 it remained at the level of the previous reporting period, exceeding by just 0.2%. Overall 6.53 million tons of oil products have been handled in the Port of Riga. The proportion of liquefied gas shipment is relatively insignificant; however, it has shown a positive tendency - last year the transshipment grew by 13.1%.

In the bulk cargo segment the total turnover has decreased by 7%. It is related to the decrease in coal shipment by 17.3%; the handling of mineral fertilisers has dropped by 29%, the total amount of sugar and various kinds of metal has decreased as well. The decline in the total bulk cargo turnover is compensated by handling of iron ore, which has particularly activated in the second half-year; the handling of wood chips and sawn timber has grown twice. It will be observed that Latvian export makes the most of timber cargoes.

The Port of Riga cargo assortment is diverse and cargo handling is equally successful in all segments. Consequently, risks are divided and changes in one type of cargo in the world market shall not cause substantial loss to the Freeport of Riga at large.

The passenger carriage keeps increasing as well. If just a few years ago half a million passenger traffic was regarded as a success, already in 2009 it reached 691 508 passengers, and 764 001 in 2010, or by 10.5% more.

icon Cargo Traffic in the Freeport of Riga, 2010 (th.t.) (188.86 kB)