Seatrade Insider has just handed out this year’s cruise awards and has selected Cruise Baltic as the destination of the year. One of the destinations within the project is Riga.

At Seatrade Europe, currently running in Hamburg, this year’s cruise awards were given out last night. The Seatrade Insider’s prize, Destination of the Year, went to Cruise Baltic, a network of 25 destinations in the Baltic Sea region. Since 2004, Cruise Baltic has successfully branded itself as one destination, targeting the international cruise market. The prize is awarded a destination "which has made significant improvements to its facilities/cruise-tourism infrastructure over the past 12 months". Cruise Baltic was one of the three finalists nominated for the award along with Dubai Tourism and Kent Cruise Connection Partnership.

The panel of judges’ reasons for selecting Cruise Baltic are: - It’s a very unique cooperation, which in a very short time has developed into a successful project. In only three years Cruise Baltic has shown that working together makes stronger.

Per Schmidt, who recommended Cruise Baltic for the award says, - As Vice Chairman of Cruise Europe and General Manager of Copenhagen Malmö Port, I have had the pleasure of following Cruise Baltic closely. Since Cruise Baltic started three years ago, the Baltic Sea Region has become the fastest growing region in the world. 10 countries, 25 destinations, 44 partners have succeeded in creating Cruise Baltic, a network of destinations, that are branding themselves as one unit towards the cruise industry and the customers. Nobody from other cruise regions has, so far, been able to achieve this.

Bo Larsen, Director of Cruise Baltic says, - On behalf of the Cruise Baltic partners I’m proud to accept the prestigious Seatrade Insider’s Cruise Award and particularly the award for the destination of the year. It signifies that the industry also recognizes Cruise Baltic as what we have marketed it as – one destination. Our marketing efforts have been successful. Today, it is not enough for a port to offer a good product if the other harbours that make up the rest of the cruise product don’t do likewise. It is the combined experience that counts. Based on the principle of helping destinations to help themselves, the countries around the Baltic joined in partnership to develop all the destinations around the Baltic. The project is unique because 25 destinations and 44 partners from ten countries, each with different cultural starting points, are competitors but also partners. This award will undoubtedly increase the motivation to develop our brand and products even further, which is also necessary in a very competitive market.

In 2006, the 19 harbour members of the Cruise Baltic Project registered 2.3 million port visits. The total number of dockings at the 19 harbours this season was 2,079.

For further information please contact: Project Director Bo Larsen, Cruise Baltic, on Tel.: +45 6120 9674 or at bnl [at] woco.dk

For information please visit: www.cruisebaltic.com