During the first eleven months of the current year 23,516.3 MLN tons of cargoes were handled, which is by 5,5% more than during respective period of the last year, when the Freeport handled 22,285.3 MLN tons.

This year 14,442.5 MLN tons of bulk cargoes were handled, reaching 7,3% increase if compared to first eleven months of 2005, when 13,458.4 MLN tons were handled.

4,463.2 MLN tons of liquid cargoes were handled, which is by 44,3% more than within the first eleven months of the last year, when 3,092.6 MLN tons were handled.

During this period the Freeport handled 4,610.6 MLN tons of general cargoes, which is by 19.6% less than during last year’s respective period, when 5,734.3 MLN tons were handled.

During the first eleven months of the current year 231 102 passengers were serviced in the Freeport of Riga, which is by 21,1% more than last year, when 190 793 passengers were serviced. Of those, 78 186 persons were cruise passengers.