Ltd. "Magnat Group" has founded a new berth at the Freeport of Riga territory. The berth construction is a part of the development project "Rose of winds", which is planned to come into life until year 2011 and to attract investments of EUR 50 MLN.

"Rose of winds" is the fist multifunctional development project of port territory in Baltic, which includes territories at the both banks of river Daugava where the companies Ltd. "Port Milgravis" and Ltd. "Port Magnat" owned by Ltd. "Magnat Group" do operate. The territory planning, construction and administration of the port’s real estate will take place within the project.

The project was elaborated by architecture bureau "Burksgreen" in compliance with "Colliers International" recommendations.

The opening of the new berth VM-4 at the "Port Milgravis" territory was the first significant step of the project. The length of the new berth is 154 metres. The depth near the berth after the first construction round is 7.5 metres, but after the second round it will be 10.5 metres.

It will give possibility to admit the ships with increased capacity – until 10 000 tons and to deal with Japan as well as with the countries of Mediterranean Sea and America.