During nine months period the Freeport of Riga handled 18.277 MLN tons of cargoes, which is by 1,7% more than during respective period of the last year, when 17,974 MLN tons were handled.

This year 10,852 MLN tons of bulk cargoes were handled, reaching 14,4% growth comparing to first nine months of the last year.

During this time period 4,824 MLN tons of general cargoes were handled, which is by 4% less than during respective period of the last year, when 5,026 MLN tons were handled.

The amount of liquid cargoes has decreased by 24,9% until 2,60 MLN tons.

During the first nine months of the current year 183 909 passengers were serviced, which is by 11,3% less than last year. Of those, 92 192 persons were cruise ship passengers, the number of which has increased by 52,4%.