During the first two months of the current year 3,74 million tons of cargoes were handled, which is by 7,7% more than during January and February of the last year.

Comparing to the last year’s first two months the sharpest raise gained the amount of handled liquid cargoes – by 18,9%, reaching 749 400 tons.

The amount of bulk cargoes handled at the Freeport, compared to the beginning of the last year, has risen by 12,3%, reaching 1,98 million tons.

The amount of general cargoes handled during the first two months has reached 1,01 million tons, which is by 6,4% less than last year.

The number of passengers serviced at the Freeport of Riga during the first two months has reached 12 323, which is by 51,1% less than last year.