During the seven months period the cargo turnover at the Freeport of Riga has reached 12 608 200 tons that is by 22,6% more than during the same period of the last year. The largest raise was reached for the bulk cargoes, the handled amount of which was 5 358 300 tons, which is by 37,5% more than during seven months of 2002. The amount of general cargoes handled during seven months of the current year reached 4 075 300 tons – by 22,2% more than last year, but the volume of the liquid cargoes handled within the respective period reached 3 174 600 tons, which is by 4,2% more than during seven months of 2002. 171 245 passengers were served during the seven months period that compared to the last year’s respective period is a raise of more that two times. The largest part of all passengers came in the port on cruise ships.