On 20 June 2003 "Naftas Serviss" Ltd. will hold a public discussion regarding the new project of construction of oil products terminal within the territory of the Freeport of Riga in Kundzinsala. "Naftas Serviss" will inform participants about the possibilities to develop the terminal and arrangements planned regarding environmental protection. The public discussion will be held on Friday at 17:00 in the conference hall of the Freeport of Riga Authority (12 Kalpaka Blvd., 1st floor). The planned cargo turnover of the terminal would be 2 million tons per year. The terminal is planned to handle and store dark oil products. The project of construction of the new terminal is submitted to the State Bureau of Effect Evaluation on Environment. Practical propositions and suggestions regarding the terminal can be submitted to the bureau until 3 July 2003.