
During eleven months of the current year 16 198 900 tons of cargo were handled in the Freeport of Riga, which is by 18,6% more that during the same period of the last year, when the Freeport handled 13 662 800 tons. Currently the Freeport has handled 5 858 800 tons of dry bulk cargoes, which is by 28% more than last year. Including 1 532 700 tons of bulk chemicals that is by 14% more than last year.

Handled amounts of grain and grain products have sharply increased – 200 700 tons of grain were handled this year, compared to 38 800 tons during last year. During the current year the Freeport has handled also 5 493 200 tons of general cargoes, which is by 3,3% less than last year. In this group handled amount of metals have decreased considerably – if last year 386 400 tons of different metals in general cargoes were handled, then this year it shows only 5 900 tons. Most sharpest raise has reached handled amount of liquid cargoes – by 42,3% and in total 4 846 900 tons of liquid cargoes were handled. The Statistics show that the cargo turnover in the Freeport of Riga is increasing more rapidly comparing to the same period of the last year.