At the end of last year, the European Commission has approved co-financing for two projects of the Riga Freeport, with significant investments in the port's transport infrastructure, which will not only promote the port’s commercial operation, but at the same time will help to improve the military mobility of Latvia and its allies as well as strengthen national defence. The approved projects will include the improvement of the port berth infrastructure, the reconstruction and improvement of access roads, the reconstruction of the railway infrastructure, as well as acquisition of a new and multifunctional transport unit for the auxiliary fleet of the port.
In September 2022, the Freeport of Riga Authority and its subsidiary company SIA “LVR Flote” (previously - SIA “Rīgas brīvostas flote”) prepared and submitted two project applications to the CINEA (European Climate Infrastructure and Energy Agency) for the military mobility program, which provided for the possibility to attract co-financing via selection procedure for projects that qualify for dual use purposes - for the development and acquisition of commercial and military transport infrastructure and equipment. The importance of the projects was justified by their significant impact on the Riga port commercial operation, as well as by improving the military mobility of Latvia and its allies and supporting national defence.
At the end of last year, a confirmation was received, stating that co-financing of up to 50% of the eligible project costs was granted to both projects. The support was granted both to the project aimed at increasing the capacity of the road and railway infrastructure for tenants in the territory of Kundziņsala, and to the project of the FPRA subsidiary company SIA “LVR Flote” for the purchase of a new universal auxiliary fleet vessel with ice-breaking function for the needs of the port.
The FPRA project “Increasing the capacity of dual-use transport infrastructure by modernizing the road/rail and berth infrastructure” will be implemented in cooperation with a private Kundziņsala container terminal operator - SIA “Baltic Container Terminal”, which not only handles various containerized cargo, but is also able to provide wheeled machinery logistics services for military purposes.
The total investment amount of the project is estimated at EUR 12.51 million, and it includes five interrelated and consecutive infrastructure sections, the complex reconstruction of which will significantly improve and increase the throughput capacity of road and rail transport infrastructure to facilitate access to the container terminal in Kundziņsala.
RBP will carry out four tasks (reconstruction of the railway crossing at the port gate on Uriekstes Street, reconstruction of the road/railway bridge in the southern part of Kundziņsala, reconstruction of the highway from the bridge to the container terminal, as well as the construction of a new connecting road from the container terminal to the transport parking lot), which in total amounts to EUR 8.26 million or 66% of the total project sum. On the other hand, SIA “Baltic Container Terminal” in cooperation with the FPRA will implement the fifth task - the extension of the ship berth line at the container terminal, building an additional section and providing for the water area dredging. Total cost of the berth reconstruction and its water area, according to the technical project, is estimated to be apprx. EUR 4.25 million or 33% of the total project amount, with an ultimate aim to simultaneously receive and service several vessels with a larger carrying capacity.
The project is to be launched in 2023 and to be completed in full in 2024.
As the port of Riga moves towards achieving climate neutrality or decarbonization goals, the FPRA's subsidiary company SIA “LVR Flote” has started implementing a strategy for the modernization of the port's auxiliary fleet by 2030, gradually introducing technologies for the use of renewable energy resources. Hybrid engines will significantly reduce fossil fuel emissions in the daily operation of auxiliary fleet vessels. SIA “LVR Flote” has submitted a project to the CEF MilMob program for the purchase of a new multi-functional port auxiliary fleet vessel equipped with a hybrid engine, which could be used for various operations, including ice breaking, as well as performing other universal tasks, including lifting buoys, conducting measurements and providing support functions for pollution collection and dredging works. It is planned that the vessel will also be able to provide support functions for the Latvian Border Guard and Coast Guard and could be used for the transportation of military equipment and personnel, as well as for rescue operations. Acquisition of the new vessel for EUR 10.79 million is planned for 2024, and this project will be co-financed by up to 50% from the EU funds.
Information for media

- liene.ozola [at], +371 670 308 53
- Freeport of Riga Authority
- 12 Kalpaka blvd, Riga, Latvia, LV-1010