The Freeport of Riga is a unique port due to the fact that modern cargo terminals, various cargo handling and port infrastructure development mega-projects in its more than 6,000 ha wide area along the banks of the River Daugava coexist with NATURA 2000 protected areas, nature reserves, historical monuments and popular recreation areas. That is why the Freeport of Riga Authority and the port companies are aware of threir responsibility for the environment and people well-being.
The Freeport of Riga is one of the greenest and most environment-friendly ports in Europe. Environmental management in the port is provided in compliance with the ISO 14001 standard requirements.
A targeted policy aimed at the port’s sustainable development, as well as the modern technologies and smart solutions provide all preconditions to develop the efficient economic operation of the port, preserving the unpolluted environment, protecting nature diversity and life quality.
Merchants operating in the port are responsible for environment- friendly management in the territory of the Port of Riga and compliance with the environmental quality requirements specified by Latvian law. They must ensure compliance of technological processes with relevant legislation and issued permits, maintenance of the plant and equipment technical condition, as well as assessment and prevention of environmental risks at their companies.
The compliance of the company operation with the legal requirements in the field of environment protection is controlled by the State Environmental Service.
The Freeport of Riga Authority provides for systematic environmental monitoring within the port territory, it is responsible for the identification of common environmental risks and their timely prevention.
The Port of Riga Environmental Policy:

- vilis.avotins [at], +371 670 907 62
- Freeport of Riga Authority
- 12 Kalpaka blvd, Riga, Latvia, LV-1010
24-hour emergency calls:
In case of air pollution
24-hour The unified call center of the State Environmental Service+371 26338800
Port Police Operational Management Division+371 67090777
In the event of pollution spills and emergencies-
Single emergency call number112
Port Police Operational Management Division+371 66709777
Environmental SOS applicationDownload
In case of air pollution
24-hour The unified call center of the State Environmental Service+371 26338800
Health Inspection hotline+ 371 67081600
Port Police Operational Management Division+371 6670977
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