Wed, 04/09/2008 - 01:00
During the first quarter this year the Freeport of Riga handled 6.9 MLN tons of cargoes, which is by 20.4% more than during respective period a year ago.

The sharpest raise experienced the segment of bulk cargoes, where the amount of cargoes handled has increased by 37.5%, but the general cargoes for their part had the biggest decrease in the turnover – 7.1%.

In total during the first quarter the handled amount of bulk cargoes reached 4 633 400 tons. The total amount of general cargoes during the first quarter was 1.19 MLN tons, the amount of liquid cargoes were 1.18 MLN tons, which is by 1.4% more than a year ago.

The Freeport of Riga serviced also 62 426 passengers, which is by 74.1% more than during first three months of the last year. Of those – 34 148 were outbound and 28 278 - inbound passengers.

31 stevedoring and 39 ship agent companies operate at the Freeport of Riga.