Wed, 06/22/2011 - 08:48

On 16 June, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Mr Raimonds Vējonis, Swiss Ambassador Ms Gabriela Nuci Sulpicio, Director of Environmental Department of the Riga City Council Askolds Kļaviņš, Director General of the State Environmental Service Vilis Avotiņš, Director of the Strategic Planning and Project Management Department of the Freeport of Riga Authority Vladimirs Makarovs, and other representatives from Swiss Embassy, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Riga City Council, State Environmental Service, and Ministry of Finance visited the Freeport of Riga to celebrate the opening of the project “Sanitation of Historically Polluted Places in Sarkandaugava”, the opening took place on the boat “Jelgava”.



As it was stressed by Ms Gabriela Nuci Sulpicio, in the referendum Swiss people voted for providing financial support to Latvia in various projects, including liquidation of significant environmental pollution effects and sustainable use of natural resources. Not only will the residents of Riga benefit, but also all those who live around the Baltic Sea. In recent years both Latvia and Swiss have gained significant achievements in environmental sustainability, and this project is just another step in preserving the natural resources. The Sarkandaugava’s project has three positive aspects – sanitation of polluted area, investments in environmental improvement, more attractive area for new business ideas. “We are proud to participate in this project and we are confident that investments provided by Swiss are valuable for Latvia’s future”, said Swiss Ambassador.


As R. Vējonis, Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, pointed out, the project is expected to be completed by 2017. Pollution is very high and it will take both time and resources. This work would not be possible without support of Riga City Council and Freeport of Riga, as well without companies that currently serve the historically polluted area.


As it was stressed by Vladimirs Makarovs, Director of the Strategic Planning and Project Management Department of the Freeport of Riga Authority, the realization of the sanitation project in Sarkandaugava is an impressive joint product of European Union which will serve as an excellent example of successful use of the financial resources available to Latvia.


The pollution in Sarkandaugava near the territory of Riga port has appeared in the last fifty years while the storages and terminals of oil products for the soviet army needs were located in Jaunmīlgrāvis. Oil products residues have been absorbed in the soil and got into the ground waters during those years. The oil products residues cause the greatest damage by leaking through the soil and getting into the drainage of Sarkandaugava or Milgravis channel. Liquidation of the pollution in Sarkandaugava undoubtedly is a very important task for Latvia since it is among the Baltic Sea states that have joined the Helsinki Convention. Sanitation works will be performed in the territory where the port’s terminals are located and ships are passing by. It is important for the Riga Port that this place serves as a business card for the trends in environmental protection and economic development.


The work done so far would not have been possible without Swiss support. Over three years a significant research was carried out that allowed detection of the precise location and amount of oil products. Now the work on the preparation of procurement documentation will start, tender for the works will be announced, and the best candidate will be selected. Technically the sanitation works mean both the cleaning of oil containing layers of groundwater, and soil.