Thu, 07/22/2010 - 09:25

In first half of 2010, 1960 trade vessels were serviced at the Freeport of Riga, which is an increase of 2.5%, as compared to the same period of 2009. In total 14.57 million tons of sea cargos were transshipped in the first six months at the Freeport of Riga.

Cargo turnover of the first half of 2010, as compared to the same period of account of 2009, has decreased by 1.5%. Ainārs Šlesers, Chairman of the Board of the Freeport of Riga Authority, says: “I would like to note that year 2009 was a record year at the Freeport of Riga – cargo turnover of almost 30 million tons was achieved. Yet, due to the great frost, the beginning of this year was unfavorable for navigation also in the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga, therefore in January, as compared to previous period of account, cargo turnover in the Riga Port decreased by 15%. However, until the middle of this year we have managed to even up the decrease of the beginning of year, and currently the turnover in the Riga Port is almost the same as in the first six months of year 2009. We plan to maintain current tendencies until the end of the year, and, as per cargo turnover, year 2010 will be equivalent to year 2009. If we compare these numbers with the 20% decrease of GDP, then we can assess the results of the Freeport of Riga Authority as more than just good.”

Dynamics of vessel quantity

In the period of account, the number of incoming ships has increased to dry cargo ships (+25%) and container ships (+16%), moreover, the number of vessels in container lines has increased by 39.2%. Decrease of the number of ships could be observed to tankers and bulkers, which can be related to the decrease of volume in bulk cargo and liquid cargo segments. 28 ship agency companies operate in the Riga Port. The following companies have serviced the most vessels: „Alpha Shipping Company” Ltd. (325 vessels), „RIX Shipping” Ltd. (268 vessels), „Astramar Transport” Ltd. (170 vessels), „CF&S Latvija” Ltd. (164 vessels), „Baltica Shipping” Ltd. (146 vessels) and „Merktrans” Ltd. (107 vessels).

Already for the fifth year a tendency that the number of small ships (<5000 GT) entering the Riga Port is decreasing can be observed, while the number of middle-sized vessels (5001 – 10 000 GT) is increasing. The proportion of large ships (>10 000 GT) is 33.5 % of the total number of vessels. Ainārs Šlesers emphasizes: “We have made large investments in deepening of ship passes, berths and the aquatorium. It is aimed at ensuring entrance of the big Panamax type vessels into the Freeport of Riga. In June, we allocated additional 7 million Lats for these tasks.”

Cargo specificity

The highest container cargo turnover ever has been reached – in the first half a year 1.2 million tons of these cargos were transshipped. Growth in the container cargo segment is promoted by six actively operating container shipment lines: the largest turnover of the total amount is provided by companies “Unifeeder” (34%) and “MSC” (24%). In the Freeport of Riga 83.9% of the total amount of containers was handled by “Baltic Container Terminal” Ltd. The total container cargo turnover of the region has increased by 31.6%. The Riga Port has the most rapid growth rate (+45%) in this segment in region.

Although the total cargo amount in the first half a year is smaller than in the previous year, the amount of cargos handled in the second quarter (April, May) is slightly bigger than that of the first quarter – 7.44 million tons and 7.14 million tons accordingly, drawing a positive tendency. The highest cargo turnover was reached in March, April and May – more than 2.5 million tons were transshipped each month.

In the first half of 2010, the amount of general cargos, incl. timber (+60.7 %), handled in the port has increased notably, while the amount of transshipped bulk cargos (-10.5 %) and liquid cargos (-10.1 %) has decreased. This tendency should be regarded as positive, because dependence of the Riga Port on various changes in particular cargo origin/consumer markets is decreasing and the Port, thanks to its multifunctionality, is able to maintain the cargo turnover level.

90% of the total cargo volume is cargos forwarded from the Riga Port, while only 10% are cargos received in Riga.

Statistics are available in statistics section.