Thu, 06/02/2005 - 01:00
According the said at today’s conference by the State secretary of the Ministry of Transport Mr.Vigo Legzdins, Riga is to be included in the future PAN European map as an important transport node in East – West transport corridor.

International work group to which the transit development concept of Riga was presented supported this decision. The State secretary emphasised that for the route recognised as a common priority in the future common aids could be invested and also pointed out that this trans-national axe marks directions of geopolitical cooperation.

As the future perspectives for Latvian ports the representative of the Ministry of Transport mentioned Trans-Siberia railway line, North – South corridor that could compensate insufficient capacity of Suez canal. The railway line "Baltica transit" leading to Kazakhstan in the future could be extended up to China.

As one more perspective direction Mr.Legzdins mentioned "Sea highway" project to which the ports will be able to sign up in order to register their accesses in common seaway map, receiving quality adjudgement and a assessment of services offered.

Riga Vice Mayor and Chairman of the Board of the Freeport of Riga Mr.Andris Argalis also participated in the conference and emphasised contribution of the Freeport of Riga to the city’s economical and social well-being. He pointed out that since 2000 when Riga Port gained the Free Zone status, investments have reached 80 MLN lats, of which 30 MLN lats have been invested by Free Zone enterprises.

Mr.Argalis also emphasised that port facilitates city development; therefore the city must support the port taking into account increase of cargo turnover expected.

Acording to Riga city development department deputy director Mr.Peteris Strancis, considering the raise of handled cargo amounts Riga city development department plans to include several port-related projects within the city development plan of 2006-2018. One of these will be North main road that would cross River Daugava closer to the river mouth. This decision is in conformity with plan to move port business closer to the river mouth.

Mr.Strancis regards construction of the main road will solve the traffic problems of the city and would support transhipment of increasing amounts of transit cargoes. The city development plan is planned to be submitted to public discussion in August, in December the plan will be examined by the Riga City Council.