Fri, 09/21/2012 - 13:44

On 12 September the president of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow with a delegation of ministers of foreign affairs, economics and development, trade, and external economic relations of Turkmenistan and other state officials as well as representatives of Turkmen TV channels and newspapers came on an official state visit to Riga.


One of the most important destinations during the visit was the Freeport of Riga, with the participation of the president of Latvia Andris Berzins (Andris Bērziņš) and other government officials. Aivis Ronis, Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Latvia, informed of the state of affairs in transportation and Leonids Loginovs (Leonīds Loginovs), Freeport of Riga Administrator – of the basic facts about the Port of Riga. The Turkmenistan delegation was shown a video presentation on the achievements and future potential of the Port of Riga. After a detailed briefing on a scale model of the Freeport of Riga territory, which provides a graphic overview of the layout of this port, the president of Turkmenistan signed the Freeport of Riga guestbook.

In an official address to the Freeport of Riga Authority, the president of Turkmenistan noted that the government of Turkmenistan has ambitious plans regarding the construction and upgrading of Turkmenistan’s only port, Turkmenbasy. The president added that this is a good opportunity to learn about the successful example of the Freeport of Riga and discuss opportunities for the exchange of experience. Turkmenistan is particularly interested in the experience of Latvian construction companies in constructing the port’s infrastructure, as well as the Freeport of Riga’s experience in managing the port, which the president praised highly. The president of Turkmenistan addressed the president of Latvia Andris Berzins with a suggestion to delegate Aivis Ronis, the Minister of Transportation, and Leonids Loginovs, the manager of the largest port in Latvia, on a business trip to Turkmenistan, to see and evaluate the operation of the Turkmenbasy port in person.

Later, the president of Turkmenistan and high-ranking officials of both countries took the Vila Maria motor yacht on a trip through the port water area and attended the port’s Captain’s Watch, where they were familiarized with the organisation of Captain’s Watch activities and the technologies used. Port Captain E. Delvers explained the specifics of operations of the Freeport of Riga. Agenda of the Turkmenistan delegation also included viewing of the Riga Shipyard – perhaps explained by a desire to develop river cruise lines in Turkmenistan.

The supporting members of the Turkmenistani presidential delegation including entrepreneurs and media representatives took a Jelgava ship on a trip through the port water area to meet with government officials and entrepreneurs from Latvia. The government of Latvia was represented by the Minister of Economics of the Republic of Latvia D. Pauvluts (D. Pauvļuts), Director of the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia A. Ozols, and Deputy State Secretary U. Reimanis.