Wed, 07/18/2012 - 14:44

During the first six months of 2012 cargo turnover of the Freeport of Riga increased by 11.7% in comparison to the same period last year. Overall 18.79 million tons were handled at terminals of the Freeport of Riga which is almost two million tons more than in the same accounting period of 2011.


Although the range of cargo of the Port of Riga varies greatly, the tendency observed in the recent years points to a rapid growth of the bulk cargo volumes, increasing the share of the bulk cargo sector of the overall range of cargo. This year 11.09 million tons of bulk cargo has been handled so far. If compared to 2011, it is by 18.4% or 1.72 million tons more. Coal shipment has increased most significantly – if you compare the first six months of 2011 and 2012, coal handling increased by 19.6% or 1.26 million tons. In bulk cargo sector, an increase of sawn timber shipment by 60.7% was observed, constituting 153.5 thousand tons in absolute numbers. This year significantly larger volumes of grain products and grain were transported (+62.1%), amounting to 364.6 thousand tons, volumes of woodchip grew as well (+6.1%). Practically, the amount of various metals doubled, and 40.9% more scrap metal was handled.

In the bulk cargo sector decrease was observed in the transport of ore (-69.6%), peat (-11.3%), chemical cargo (-9.5%), and ferroalloy (-17.1%) cargo types.

Amount of general cargos during the first six months of this year was 5.6% bigger than in the first half of 2011. Containerised cargos have been dominating in this sector for over a year now, and the latest results show significant increase in containerised cargos. This year their volumes were 25.5% larger than in the same period last year. It should be pointed out that increase of the amount of containerised cargos was and still is one of the strategic goals of the Freeport of Riga.

Similarly, the amount of roll on/roll off cargos increased by 10.7% in this sector, amounting to 277.7 thousand tons. Handling of various machinery and equipment is increasing. An increase in volumes is found in other types of cargo as well, however, their share of the general structure of port’s activity is insignificant. In the sector of general cargos the only decrease was observed in timber (-15.7%).

After the rapid growth of the liquid cargo turnover during the first months of the year, the growth rate decreased in the semi-annual view, however, it still has a positive balance. This year the port handled 1.5% more than during the six months last year. Oil products make up the absolutely largest amount of liquid cargo which increased by 1.3%. Overall 4.36 million tons of liquid cargo was handled this year of which 4.34 million are oil products. Liquefied gas makes up 19.7 thousand tons of the total amount.

This year is marked by a significant increase in cruise passenger numbers (+30.7%). And the total number of passengers grew by 6% compared to that of the first six months last year. Overall the Port of Riga served 371 726 passengers of which 26 121 came to Riga on cruise ships.