Wed, 09/01/2010 - 07:31

The Freeport of Riga Authority took part in the 3rd China Beijing International Logistics Expo 2010, which took place August 10–12.

“China is becoming a more and more powerful player in the world economy. It is a huge country with enormous possibilities and a great amount of export. Notice that USA brand goods are made in China. The same refers to the European brands. It is natural that the production should be delivered to the consumer by the most efficient and cost-effective means. China understands that the existing logistic routes are inefficient; therefore it gradually develops its own network of motorways and railroads, which would allow for combined land and sea transportation. The Freeport of Riga Authority follows the situation in China, and the participation in the transport and logistics exposition in Beijing was a kind of exploration to find out how the Port of Riga could attract cargo shipments from China to Europe and the USA,” reveals Mr Viesturs Silenieks, the Deputy Chairman of Board of the Freeport of Riga Authority.


Several conclusions have been made after the participation in the exposition in Beijing, but there still is a serious homework to do — to assess the necessity and efficiency of opening the Freeport of Riga Authority regional office in Beijing. In order to further the cooperation, meetings of state officials should be organised and the possible models of cooperation should be outlined. It should be observed that approximately 40 Chinese entrepreneurs visited the stand of the Freeport of Riga Authority and showed their interest. It testifies that there is an interest in us; we just have to find a way of turning this interest into a real cargo flow.

As this was only the third year of such exposition in Beijing, it has not gained wide international popularity yet. In 2010 approximately 150 various transport and logistics companies, including ports, from Russia, Sweden, Singapore, Ukraine, Japan, Taiwan, Hungary, Kazakhstan, France, Latvia etc., participated in the exposition. The Port of Riga was the only representative of the Baltic Sea ports. According to the official information, approximately 32,000 people have visited the exposition.