Wed, 12/19/2012 - 14:43

In the first 11 months this year cargo turnover increased by 6.9% amounting to 2.15 million tons. The overall volume of various types of cargo handled by the Freeport of Riga companies this year was 33.115 million tons.


Andris Ameriks, Chairman of Board of the Freeport of Riga Authority, does not hide his satisfaction, “By determined implementation of infrastructure improvement programmes as well as by facilitating cooperation with port companies in helping them solve issues beyond their powers we have managed to move the Port of Riga up to the leading position on the list of Baltic ports. I would like to put special emphasis on the fact that the Port of Riga has not experienced any decline in cargo turnover even during the years of the biggest global crisis. In times when a number of ports see their turnover diminish by around a dozen percent we have put our heads together and managed not only to maintain but also increase the volume of cargo handled at terminals of the Port of Riga. Thus, I can assert that the comparative statistical data has not been taken out of the context but it is an objective reflection of our success. I am genuinely proud of the team which has managed to deal with the hardest tasks. We have many challenges ahead of us, unfortunately some of them will be very hard to overcome if the government fails to take a step in our direction. In such a strategically and economically significant company as the Freeport of Riga it is important to consolidate powers leading to the aim instead of putting ambition and policy in the foreground.”

9.9% Increase in Bulk Cargo Volumes

Bulk cargo sector accounts for the absolute majority or over half of the overall cargo volumes handled. This ratio has remained the same for several years now. A significant feature of the bulk cargo sector at the Port of Riga is the wide range of cargo in this segment. The largest volumes are ensured by handling coal cargos which have been in high demand on the global market in recent years. In the first 11 months of the year 13.61 million tons of coal were handled at the Port of Riga – a 12.9% or 1.55 million ton increase compared to the same period of last year.

Second most significant type of cargo in the bulk cargo sector is fertilizers – their volumes for various objective reasons decreased by 15.6% compared to last year, nevertheless, it is still one of the most significant types of cargo shipped – 1.31 million tons have been handled this year.

Grain product shipments through the Port of Riga have activated this year – +40.2% amounting to 657.7 thousand tons.

Wood chip cargos saw their volumes increase by 2.8% amounting to 952.6 thousand tons in the first 11 months of the year.

Unspecified bulk cargo volumes grew significantly – +1.29 million tons amounting to 2.13 million. In fact, this cargo group increased at least 2.5 times. At the same time, according to the statistics, construction material shipments decreased, however, it is related to the accounting system change this year where, for instance, asphalt and road stone have been included in the unspecified bulk cargo group. Overall, 688 thousand tons of road stone, 387 thousand tons of asphalt, and 611.5 thousand tons of wood chip granules were handled in Riga this year.

Sharp Growth in Container Shipments

In the general cargo segment 6.17 million tons of cargo were handled this year – 2.6% more than in the first 11 months of 2011. In Riga as in the majority of ports all around the world the share of containerized cargos continues growing. The Port of Riga shows very good results in this cargo group included in the general cargo segment – 15.6% or 450 thousand ton increase compared to last year. The overall volume of containerized cargo handled at the Freeport of Riga this year amounted to 3.35 million tons.

The roll on/roll off cargo group saw its turnover grow by 6.3% amounting to 546 thousand tons.

In the general cargo segment shipment of timber products, metals, machinery and hardware, food cargo decreased. However, these cargo groups account for an insignificant share of the overall port turnover.

Increase in Liquid Cargo Volumes – 2.9%

Although the Port of Riga is not known for handling liquid cargos, oil product handling is a very significant area of activity. Despite the limited capacity of liquid cargo terminals, liquid cargo saw its volumes rise by 2.9% compared to last year. Oil products account for the biggest share (7.07 million tons) – 2.5% growth this year. Even though liquefied gas shipments do not have a significant impact on the results of the port, this cargo group has activated this year – 52% growth amounting to 73.6 thousand tons. Thousand tons of liquid chemical cargos have been handled as well.

Passenger Numbers Soar by 38.8 Thousand

This year the Port of Riga has served 760,089 passengers of whom 81,197 arrived on cruise ships. The overall increase in passenger numbers in the first 11 months amounted to 5.4% or 38.8 thousand passengers. More sea passengers are expected to arrive in Riga around Christmas, including on the regular ferry line from Stockholm. And on December 25 cruise ship Silja Europa will arrive in Riga.