Wed, 09/19/2012 - 09:21

The Port of Riga served 2.17 million tons or 9.6% more cargo in the first 8 months of the year in comparison to the same period last year. 24.76 million tons were handled at terminals of the Port of Riga between January 1 and August 31, 2012. Last year turnover of the Freeport of Riga amounted to 34.07 million tons – 11.8% more than in 2010. Trends of 2012 show a solid growth of cargo turnover, thus cargo turnover this year may amount to approximately 36 million tons to beat the current record of the Port of Riga.


Traditionally, the biggest increase can be observed in the dry bulk sector, especially in coal shipment. Shipment of the bulk sector saw 12.6% increase on the volumes of the previous accounting period amounting to 14.52 million tons. As reported before, coal cargos shipped by its owners from Russian fields to the European countries, as well as to China and India play an increasingly significant role in the cargo assortment of the Port of Riga. 9.99 million tons have been shipped through the Port of Riga so far this year – 12.2% more than in the same period last year. Coal cargos with their increase account for slightly less than one third of the total cargo assortment in the terminals of the Port of Riga. To maintain increasing dynamics, new infrastructural improvements are necessary, especially the planned implementation of Krievu Island project.

Along with the new harvest, grain shipment has become more active this year – year-on-year increase of 51.8%. 470.6 thousand tons of grain were handled in Riga.

Shipment of various metals more than doubled (135.5 thousand tons); sawn timber cargo volumes increased by 47.3% (214.4 thousand tons); separately non-classified bulk cargo volumes practically tripled, amounting to 1.48 million tons.

Whereas shipment of fertilizers decreased by 4.2%, however, its 1.02 million tons still accounted for a significant share of the overall cargo turnover of the Port of Riga.

In the general cargo segment containerized cargos have maintained their leading position for a long while. 2.47 million tons of containerized cargos were shipped during the eight months of this year – year-on-year increase of 23.2%. Roll on/roll off cargo shipment also saw its volumes increase by 9%, amounting to 387.3 thousand tons. Shipment of machinery and equipment, various metals and fish products grew as well.

Shipment of timber products slightly fell (- 13.8%), however, the total volume of timber products still accounted for a very significant share in the overall activity of Port’s terminals – 1.61 million tons were shipped.

More than 5.7 million tons were handled in the liquid cargo sector – 6% more than in the same accounting period last year. Leaders in the liquid cargo sector are oil products; their volumes saw a year-on-year increase of 300 thousand tons.

Passenger traffic has a direct impact on the tourism industry in Riga, therefore, 27.8% increase in the cruise passenger numbers is very important. This year 74 886 passengers arrived in Riga on cruise ships (during 8 months of 2011 – 58 590). Along with the regular line, 598 333 passengers have been served by the Port of Riga so far this year – 5.5% increase over the figures last year.