Tue, 04/17/2012 - 15:07

In the first three months of this year, almost 9.5 million tons of cargos have been handled at the Freeport of Riga; in comparison with the beginning of last year it is by 1.8 million tons or 23% more. Increase of turnover can be observed in all cargo segments: bulk cargos +28.8%, general cargos +15.1%, liquid cargos +18.6%.

Traditionally, the biggest increase of turnover is in bulk cargo segment – in the first three months of the year, 5.43 million tons of various bulk cargos have been transshipped, of them coal makes the absolutely largest part – 3.85 million tons that is by almost one million or 30.6% more than in the first three months of 2011. As compared with the last year, transport of woodchips has increased by 29.2%; in total it makes 274 million tons. Transport of wood pellets also has increasing role. This year also more grain, various metals, sawn timber, and peat have been transshipped. Transport of artificial fertilizers has decreased insignificantly, by 1.4%, in the bulk cargo segment. Transport of ferroalloys has decreased by 14%, but transport of ore – by 50%. Cargo groups where decrease of transport can be observed have a rather insignificant role in the total turnover of the port, therefore they do not affect the tendency of total amount of transportation.

The most significant type of cargos in general cargo segment is container cargos that in the Port of Riga, just like in global maritime transportation, take an increasing place. This year, seven container lines operate in the Port of Riga, representing all biggest operators of container lines in the region, as a result increase of container cargos is very rapid. This year, already 910 thousand tons of cargos have been transshipped into containers at the Port of Riga; it is by 33.3% more than in the accordant period of account of last year. The amount of roll on/roll off cargos has also increased. Decrease of 4.8% can be observed in transport of timber. In total, already 1.64 million tons of cargos have been transshipped in general cargo segment; it is by 15.1% more that in the beginning of last year.

Liquid cargos have increasing role in the general operation of the Port of Riga. This year, transshipment of oil products has increased by 18.7% and makes 2.42 million tons. Similar as capacity of bulk cargo coal terminals, also capacity of liquid cargo terminals has almost exhausted, therefore until commissioning of new terminals notable increase in this cargo field is not possible. The commenced Krievu Island development project will solve this situation to a certain amount – a place for new bulk cargo terminals has been planned within its frameworks. Contract on construction of the object has already been concluded, and actual works could begin in May.

Tallink passenger traffic continues to develop – this year, the number of passengers has increased by 4.8% and is in total 147 255 passengers.