Thu, 12/30/2010 - 12:07

Regardless of the unfavorable weather at the beginning of 2010, economic crisis in the world and also in Latvia, this year has been the most active and productive for the Freeport of Riga, a new cargo turnover record in the history of the port has been reached – according to provisional data, cargos with the total amount of more than 30 million tons will have been serviced at the Riga Port by the end of the year.

Andris Ameriks, the Freeport of Riga Authority Chairman of the Board, emphasizes: “This is not a coincidence, but rather the result of accurate and long work. For many years the Freeport of Riga Authority board has tried to create conditions that would make cargo owners and forwarders choose exactly the Riga Port, because it implements dynamic, loyal, arranged price policy, offers a high-level infrastructure, and provides professional services. In international level we have positioned the Riga Port as a player of the highest league in the field of sea freight transport. The results are evident, and we have a reason to be satisfied with the previously accomplished. I will not be original when I say that stopping at the accomplished would be a step backwards, therefore we cannot afford to rest – we must continue to work and implement the projects that have been marked in the development strategy of our port, we must also change together with the time following the changes in the condition of global market, we must implement the latest technological and organizational solutions so that the name of Riga Port possessed the finest reputation”.

The amount of cargo transport at the Freeport of Riga has a substantial effect on the national economy of Latvia in general – applying the common formula, approximately 10 lats flow into our national economy from every transported ton. It means that as a result of activity of the Freeport of Riga, economy of Latvia has become by 300 million lats richer.

This year has been eventful at the Riga Port – first, what was some time ago marked in the development strategy becomes real – to be a multifunctional port that can equally efficiently ensure handling of the most various cargos, including container cargos, bulk cargos, general cargos, and liquid cargos. When condition in global markets changed substantially, this was the quality that allowed the Riga Port not only continue to work in the previous regime, but even advance increase in cargo amount. Deepening of port aquatorium, ship passes and berths is very significant; it allows ships with maximum draught possible in the Baltic Sea enter the Riga Port. Currently, one deepwater berth at Žurku Island is available to cargo carriers, but in future – in the nearest years when the project of Krievu Island will be implemented and several new deepwater berths will be built, Riga Port will occupy a more significant place in the cargo transport field in the Baltic Sea Region. For reminder, this year the biggest vessel in the history was serviced at the Riga Port – 82 thousand tons of iron ore were loaded in it. Dimensions of the vessel exceeded the parameters of a Panamx type vessel.

Notable changes have occurred in the cargo assortment – we have begun to transship iron ore at the port, proportion of oil products and artificial fertilizers grows, and transport of food products increases. Export of timber products has renewed this year; it is significant in the rebirth of economy of Latvia in general.

“Though I manage work of the Freeport of Riga Authority board only since October, I work in the board already for seven years, therefore I can assuredly say: only thanks to carefully elaborated and thought-out port development strategy where the aims to be achieved and the tools necessary for it have been clearly marked, as well as scrupulous holding to the plan that initially seemed utopian to many, growth of an enterprise and each separate individual is possible. I want to say big thank you to all port employees, stevedores and cargo owners for work. The port authority alone would not have achieved such success. I wish to all inhabitants and entrepreneurs of Latvia not to be afraid of long-term plans, but rather similarly to the Riga Port – set aims and achieve them, not forgetting to raise the bar higher and higher,” said Andris Ameriks.