Tue, 09/16/2008 - 01:00

Today the Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the Freeport of Riga and the Port of Rijeka during the President’s official visit in Croatia.

The agreement from Latvian part signed Leonids Loginovs, CEO of the Freeport of Riga Authority and from Croatian side – Bojan Hlaca, Executive Director of the Porto f Rijeka.

The aim of the document is to create long-term international cooperation between the ports, making use knowledge and experience of both sides in the port sector, as well as to promote trade and business relations between the countries altogether.

The agreement determines information exchange in port management sphere, including exchange of statistical data, information regarding port infrastructure development projects and market researches regarding port development perspectives, as well as analysis of possibilities to attract new technical and finance resources to port sector.

The forming of working groups from both ports with the aim to visit ports in educational purposes is stated by the agreement. The Memorandum of Understanding determines trade and business relationship advertising in ports.