Thu, 12/15/2011 - 16:54

According to the statistical data, 30,96 million tonnes of different cargoes have been handled at the Freeport of Riga during the eleven months of 2011, which is 11,3% more than in the corresponding period last year.

Examination of the situation for each segment of cargo suggests that the highest increase remained in the liquid cargo segment. In comparison to the results of the eleven months of 2010, the volume of oil products handled has increased by 1 million tonnes and now reaches 6,9 million tonnes. In addition to oil products, also 48,3 thousand tonnes of liquid gas have been handled at Riga Port, which is for 23,5% more than in the corresponding period last year.

There is still an increase in the general cargo shipments at Riga Port. In the general cargo segment, the noticeable increase in the volume of container cargo shipments at Riga Port is regarded as a strategically important success. 2,9 million tonnes of container cargoes have been handled this year, which is for 18,9% more than in the corresponding period last year. Although this segment has experienced decrease in the handled amount of timber, fish, food, and metal, as well as ro-ro cargoes, the total turnover in this cargo segment is a little bit higher than the results of the last year.

The bulk cargo segment is dominated by the coal cargoes, amount of which has increased by 12% in comparison to the corresponding period last year, and now amounts to 12 million tonnes. It should be stressed, that coal cargoes account for almost 40% of the total cargo turnover of the Freeport of Riga.

Mineral fertilizers are the next important type of bulk cargoes. The amount of handled cargoes of this type has grown by 24,8% and now accounts for 1,54 million tonnes. Several more cargo owners are interested in handling mineral fertilizers cargoes at Riga Port, therefore opportunities of increasing the capacity of handling this type of cargo should be considered. In the bulk cargo segment, the amount of timber chips handled has decreased by 15,6%, peat — by 32,4%, sawn timber — by 17,7%. Thanks to the increase in other types of cargoes, there is still an increase of 12,9% in the bulk cargo segment.

During the eleven months of this year, 783 thousand passengers have been served at Riga Port, which is 10,4% more than in the corresponding period last year.