Tue, 04/12/2011 - 16:01

In the first quarter of 2011, almost 7.7 million tons have been handled in companies of the Freeport of Riga, exceeding indices of previous year by 7.5%. Increase in liquid cargo segment is 22.5%, in bulk cargo segment – 1.3%, but in general cargo segment – 8.4%.

“We have passed the examination because even the difficult weather conditions could not stop increase of cargo turnover at the Freeport of Riga. Results of January were very good – we ended it with a 20.3% increase as compared with the first month of previous year. Also the first two months of this year in total were concluded with a 3.8% increase of cargo turnover at the Riga Port. If we compare March of this year and March of previous year, this year we have serviced by 14% more. Total amount of the first quarter is by 7.5% bigger than in accordant period of previous year. We have realized that we can ensure shipping in the port basin and practically also in the Gulf of Riga throughout the year – also in icy conditions,” notes Andris Ameriks, Chairman of the Board at the Freeport of Riga.

The greatest increase in the first quarter of 2011 is for liquid cargos, mainly oil products. Since the beginning of the year, already 2.04 million tons have been transshipped, which is by 400 thousand tons more than in previous year. Current tendency proves that the diversification process of cargos goes successfully; it divides risks and allows the port to operate successfully also if situation for any cargo group changes in global markets.

Container cargos that fall within the segment of general cargos are one of strategically most important cargo groups in the development strategy of the Freeport of Riga. The amount of these cargos has increased by 25.5% in the first months of this year. In total, 66 588 TU units have been handled at the Riga Port, which is by almost 15 000 more than in the first quarter of previous year. Increase of container cargos compensated the decreased amount of timber cargos in the general cargo group.

In the bulk cargo segment, very positive tendency can be observed to cargo groups that did not yet have notable effect on the total turnover of cargos last year. Transport of ore, grain products and ferroalloy increases rapidly. In turn, the amount of artificial fertilizers maintains its positions steadily and is one of the largest cargo groups at the Freeport of Riga. Coal cargos were the most difficult to handle during the unfavorable weather conditions. A. Ameriks explains: “In order to ensure environmentally friendly transshipment of coal they need to be sprinkled. In the great frost, also coal froze together with water, and it was very difficult to transship them. Coal froze also in wagons.” Despite the said situation, total amount of coal cargos in the first quarter has increased by 2.5%. Sawn timber and peat cargos have decreased by half, but the amount of handled chips of construction materials and wood has decreased by approximately 20%.

“Tallink” continues to operate very successfully; in the first three months of this year, it has transported by almost 40 thousand passengers more than last winter. In total, 144 761 passengers, including cruise passengers, have been serviced this year at the Riga Port.

Speed of ship handling is one of the determining factors that make cargo owners choose to transport cargos through one or the other port. In order to improve competitiveness of the Freeport of Riga also in this aspect, a decision has been made to build another deep-water berth already this summer; it would allow loading of “Panamax” type ships with GT up to 100 thousand tons.