Thu, 07/16/2015 - 12:00

On Tuesday, July 7, Ukraine Chernihiv Oblast Governor Mykola Zverev visited the Freeport of Riga.


The agenda of the visit was primarily focused on the issues of Ukrainian agricultural products transit through the Freeport of Riga. In the framework of informal negotiations Ukrainian delegation highlighted favorable aspects of potential cooperation, among which the port strategically favorable location, as well as low logistic expenses at the Freeport were mentioned.

It is no secret that in recent years Ukraine has become more active in cooperation with Latvia in such areas as grain cultivation, dairy, forestry and wood processing industries. Ukrainian businessmen are interested in cooperation with Latvian grain silos and the Freeport of Riga, which would enable Ukrainian farmers and traders to export grain and other agricultural commodities.

In addition it should be noted, that Ukraine is famous for its fertile lands and favorable crop yields, so such cooperation might ensure a regular and consistent cargo flows and thus would be beneficial to both sides.