Tue, 05/06/2014 - 10:29




In March 2014 the enterprises of the Freeport of Riga handled by 26,7% more various cargo than in March 2013, and evaluating the first quarter of this year it is evident that the total cargo turnover has increased by 21.7%. Overall, 9.92 million tons were handled within three months, and it is the most successful first quarter in the history of the port.


The Board Chairman of the Freeport of Riga Mr. Andris Ameriks explains: “The Freeport of Riga Authority has invested a lot of work and a lot of money to enable the Port of Riga to receive and handle such considerable cargo amount, and now we can see a real return. That refers both to the fairway dredging and access road infrastructure improvements, that Freeport has purposefully implemented for years. I would like to repeat once more - one of the cornerstones of the Riga port development is its multifunctionality - we are able to handle a diverse range of cargo.”

Coal transshipment on the rise

A total amount of 5.27 million tons was handled in dry bulk cargo segment this year , that is by 17.8 % more than last year, including 3.42 million tons of coal, dispatched by the port, that means an increase of 10.2% compared to the previous reporting period. So it can be assumed, that after the last year's decline the coal cargo volumes tend to return to the previous indicators. Mr. Andris Ameriks recognizes that coal cargo volume growth affects the quality of urban life in several respects, so the Freeport’s task is to create conditions for coal cargo transfer from the city center to Krievu Island, where a new industrial zone is being developed, and do it as soon as possible.

A significant increase (36.2 %) was observed in chemical bulk cargo or mineral fertilizers volume. This year, due to the start of the SIA “ Riga Fertilizer Terminal” operation, the Port of Riga terminals handled more than half a million tons of these cargoes. Wheat products’ throughput has become more intense and in the first quarter the port transshipped 264, 2 thousand tons of this cargo. Compared to the first three months, the amount has increased almost eight times.

The volumes of handled ore, peat, various metals and scrap also increased as well as amounts of handled crushed stone, wood pellets and soy products.

Volumes of handled lumber decreased (-25.2%) as well as those of wood chips (-37.2%).

Growth in all groups of general cargo segment

1.81 million tons of cargo were handled in the general segment this year, that is by 13.7% more compared to the first quarter of the previous year. More than half (or 56%) of this segment consists of containerized cargo, and in the first quarter more than 1 million tons of this cargo type were handled at the port. Not only the regular service lines but also the port terminals operate successfully – according to Mr. A.Ameriks the companies have launched timber freight containerization, which ensures efficient use of empty containers, that are returned from Europe to China. As for the general cargo group – there has been an increase of Roll on / Roll off cargo (+9.1%) and timber (+12.4%) volumes in the first quarter and the volume of various metals increased as well.

Oil product volume increased by 36.5%

The liquid cargo segment demonstrated the highest growth percentage in regards of cargo volumes in the first quarter, particularly in the oil product cargo group. Overall, 2.83 million tons were handled in the liquid cargo segment, that is by 36.3% more than in the first quarter of 2013.

162 878 passengers served

The positive trend is still observed in passenger traffic - this year the port of Riga has served by 3.5% more passengers, than during first three months of the previous year.