Fri, 04/12/2013 - 10:48

On April 2 a meeting of the Freeport representatives and non-governmental organizations was organized with the aim to find solutions to mitigate air pollution, caused by the companies, operating at the port. It was a great opportunity for NGOs to meet the Freeport staff in charge of environmental issues and to jointly agree on the next steps to improve air quality. Such NGOs as Vecmilgravis Development Association as well as public organizations of Sarkandaugava, Kundzinsala and Mezhaparks took part in the meeting. The Freeport was represented by the managers whose responsibilities include environment-related issues, environmental monitoring and surveillance of dangerous goods handling at the Freeport - i.e. by Mr.V.Avotinsh, Environment and Development Department Environment Unit Chief, Mr. A. Purmalis, Chief Port Internal Security Officer, Mr.J. Dalbinsh, Port Control Division Chief. In the framework of three-hour long discussion, the participants came to the following conclusion: the situation when local residents due to unpleasant smells can determine what substances are handled by the port companies is not normal and all options for improving air quality should be considered as soon as possible. The parties discussed such solutions as administrative fines and amendments to current regulatory framework, as well as practical activities aimed at cargo handling and air purification technology development and improvement. As one of the urgent tasks, set forward by NGOs, was the need to ensure stable air quality during Song Festival that is to be held this summer in Mezhaparks. Participants agreed on specific steps for this particular target, as well as on further cooperation to improve air quality, and on information sharing.