Thu, 05/12/2011 - 21:17

Today, 10 May, the Freeport of Riga Authority organised an excursion by the pleasure boat “Jelgava” along the river Daugava in order to introduce students from schools in Vecmīlgrāvis to the Port of Riga.

This is the first event organised within the framework of cooperation programme between the Freeport of Riga Authority and Vecmīlgrāvis Development Society. The aim of this programme is to strengthen the understanding between the Port and society, thus creating a productive environment for sustainable relations.

Several events are going to take place within this project, one of them being “Our Port’s Wall” during which the Port’s grey wall will be decorated with colourful paintings. For this purpose students from three schools in Vecmīlgrāvis were invited to join the excursion, they will be the main decorators of the wall. Children were introduced to the development history and future plans of the port. They saw the waterside and port’s most important objects, learned about their importance and functions, as well as the general information on the port’s cooperation partners and their types of activity. The future artists could find inspiration from visiting the Vessel Traffic Management Centre, shipyard, Winter port, and seeing the icebreaker “Varma”. The students were able to look at their homes “from the port’s side”, which could give them a better understanding of how important the port is both for the city, and the state.

It can be said that the event was successful, since the children started drawing sketches already during the excursion. Also Ansis Bērziņš, one of the members of the Vecmīlgrāvis Development Society, confirmed that the excursion had lived up to the expectations: “This was a long expected and much needed turning point for the promotion of port and society’s relations, the excursion was interesting and successfully organised.” Mr Bērziņš thanked for the nice event and pointed out that he is looking forward to the next activities organised within this project.

As mentioned before, the next planned event is “Our Port’s Wall” taking place on 21st and 22nd May.