Fri, 09/09/2005 - 01:00
During the first eight months of the current year 16,39MLN tons of cargoes were handled, which is by 2,4% more than during respective period of the last year, when the Freeport handled 16 MLN tons.

This year 9,7MLN tons of bulk cargoes were handled, reaching 15,2% increase if compared to first eight years of 2004.

The handled amount of general and liquid bulk cargoes during the eight months this year has reduced comparing to this period of the last year.

During this period the Freeport handled 4,334MLN tons of general cargoes, which is by 4,8% less than during last year’s respective period, when 4,555MLN tons were handled.

The turnover of liquid cargoes in the Freeport of Riga this year has decreased by 22,3% - reaching 2,36MLN tons.