Thu, 08/06/2015 - 14:35

The Baltic Ports Conference 2015 is organized by the Baltic Ports Organization (BPO) - a leading regional ports organization of 45 member ports in nine countries surrounding the Baltic Sea. BPO works with an aim to facilitate cooperation among the ports and to monitor and improve the possibilities for shipping in the entire Baltic Sea region.


The Baltic Ports Conference is the most important annual event for the organization, as all BPO members, industry specialists and prominent guests join together to discuss the key and urgent issues for the ports business. This year BPO is willing to accentuate the topic of ever changing market conditions in Baltic Sea Region, thus, giving the moto of this year’s conference “Facing a change: opportunities or threats for the Baltic market?”

The two-day conference accompanied with BPO General Assembly will take place in the Freeport of Riga Authority headquarters on September 3-4, 2015.

The detailed Conference program and registration forms are available on: