Fri, 06/18/2010 - 10:47

Last week, experts of environmental services of the Baltic Sea states visited the Freeport of Riga where they got acquainted with the management practice of the Freeport of Riga Authority in environmental preservation and waste management.

The visit took place within the frameworks of the visiting seminar of experts of environmental services of the Baltic Sea states. Similar seminars are held in all involved countries, and the previous meeting took place in Tallinn, there, however, was no meeting with the port representatives. Viesturs Silenieks, Deputy of Board Chairman of the Freeport of Riga Authority and representative of Ministry of the Environment, tells: “Experts got acquainted with our waste management plan of the port territory, as well as the system how the regular supervision is being performed. We received approving words about the contract concluded with the state supervisory authorities, on simultaneous performance of supervision in port enterprises so that it required as little time as possible and less resources both from the side of the supervisory authorities, and the enterprise being supervised. However, too little time was given to the experts to get fully acquainted with the operation of the port, therefore visit to treatment plants was postponed to some other time.”

During the meeting, representatives of the State Environmental Service used the opportunity and emphasized improvement of communication with the Freeport of Riga Authority, which allows the decisions to be made much faster. Also, the decisions are disputed beforehand, and thus making of decisions that are unconsidered and rather often contradictory to the criteria comprised within can be avoided.