Foto: Paula Čurkste, LETA
This week, on 25 and 26 February, the heads of leading European port organisations and port managers visited Riga in the framework of the regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO). ESPO representatives visited the Vessel Traffic Service Centre of the Freeport of Riga, where they were introduced to the port's technology and maritime innovation projects.
“I can highly praise the course taken by the Port of Riga in combining important economic, geopolitical security and climate resilience objectives in its work. The innovation and new technology solutions that have been launched are an excellent example of focused and strategic development,” said Isabelle Ryckbost, Secretary General of ESPO, after her visit to the Port of Riga.
“ESPO is the port excellence organisation and the platform where the best port professionals in Europe meet. I am proud that we can showcase to European port managers the maritime technology innovations created in Latvia, which have not only received international recognition and awards, but have also been of significant benefit to the Port of Riga and port companies in improving operational efficiency. Moreover, they open up new opportunities for other European ports, strengthening our overall global competitiveness,” said Ansis Zeltiņš, the Freeport of Riga CEO.
During the meeting, ESPO professionals were presented with the internationally acclaimed Seamless 5G Connectivity in the Baltic Sea project developed by LMT in cooperation with the Freeport of Riga Authority's capital company, port technical services provider LVR Flote, and successfully tested in the Port of Riga and at sea last year.
The maritime 5G connectivity solution is delivered using LMT's 5G technology capabilities on board LVR Flote vessels and is as yet unmatched in our region or in the wider global context and is therefore expected to contribute significantly to sustainable shipping and port operations in the future. Last year, the project received the prestigious International Association of Ports (IAPH) Sustainability Award in the “Digitalisation” category.
LMT specialists demonstrated to European port leaders the first private 5G network business project in the Baltics, which was developed and successfully tested last year at the Port of Riga's company SIA “Baltic Container Terminal” to support its core business processes.
The private 5G network is able to provide higher transmission capacity, stable connectivity on the move, independence from public network traffic and much higher data security for port companies. According to LMT representatives, following the successful tests in the Port of Riga, the introduction of private 5G networks will continue in other parts of Latvia and beyond, with this telecommunications segment expected to grow rapidly worldwide.
ESPO representatives were introduced to the idea of creating an international maritime Remote Operations Centre (ROC), where the Port of Riga is working together with Canada and the Port of Plymouth (UK). The aim of this project is to develop common rules and standards for autonomous floating vehicles in the global seas.
As noted by Neils Kalniņš, 5G Techritory Ecosystem Manager at SIA “Elektroniskie sakari”, the ROC project initially results in a comprehensive report outlining the overall requirements and development roadmap for a fully-fledged ROC system. The further goal is the establishment of common testing grounds and ROC systems to test and certify the next generation of technologies in the port and maritime sectors. In the future, it is planned to establish such a test site in Riga, thus contributing to the development of the port and creating a significant economic contribution to the country in the form of local production, technology development and attracting international investment.
“I am convinced that the Port of Riga's unwavering belief in a digital future and support for innovation is at the heart of our technological achievements. The Port of Riga is actively involved in various research and development processes, is open to innovation and cooperates with the Latvian technology industry community. We position the Port of Riga as a unique and open test environment for new technologies, and our colleagues from other European ports have seen this for themselves,” added Mr Zeltiņš.
Founded in 1993, ESPO represents European seaports in the European Union, defending the interests of its members before the European institutions and promoting the vision and values of European ports among European policy makers. During its lifetime, ESPO has become a unique platform for European ports to exchange ideas and knowledge, in an independent dialogue with all players in the European ports and maritime industry. Last November, ESPO's highest decision-making body, the General Assembly, unanimously elected Ansis Zeltiņš, the Freeport of Riga Port CEO, as ESPO's new Chairperson. He will hold this position in ESPO until 2026. ESPO's Executive Committee sets the agenda for Europe's most influential port organisation and is composed of port professionals from the countries ESPO represents.
Information for media

- liene.ozola [at], +371 670 308 53
- Freeport of Riga Authority
- 12 Kalpaka blvd, Riga, Latvia, LV-1010